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1. Who advised PNoy on his "monumental" speech at Burnham?

Just Asking?

2. Is it true that Sen. Drilon "soaped" the LP leaders in Baguio for the small crowd?

3. Who paid for the packed dinner of the visitors of the UNA Rally at Convention Center?

4. Were the government employees barred by men of the Dynamic Duo not to attend the Burnham rally? If the people would have been more than 5,000, would PNoy have changed his tone? He seemed to be speaking extemporaneously as his website did not publish a transcript of the speech.

5. Is the alliance of CJHDevco and Erap not only saying that the Sobrepenas are for UNA but also that John Hay would be transferred to Manila?

6. Was PNoy already psyching up Domogan when he failed to mention him in his greetings at PMA?

7. Was Vergara happy when PNoy mentioned that there are already no stalactites and stalagmites in Crystal Cave but there will be some coming soon maybe next year. So will Goldrich soon come out with concrete stalactites and stalagtites soon?

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